We have good news! From July 2019, BeLazy features a new vendor portal connector: Welocalize Junction. This connector emulates the web functionality you perform on Junction and automates receiving and creating projects from Welocalize in your vendor portal. 

Are you a language service provider working for Welocalize? If so, give it a try!


Falcon? Junction?

Welocalize has been a pioneer in supporting their vendors. So much so that back in 2014, XTRF and Plunet implemented direct API-based integration with Falcon, the system Welocalize used. This is the only example of business management systems integrating with vendor portals directly. 

From now on, it’s BeLazy that is integrating these systems with different vendor portals, including the newer system of Welocalize, called Junction.

Both Falcon and Junction are still being used, but Junction is becoming the company’s priority. Welocalize has also introduced a new project management system called Pantheon, and Junction is the vendor portal to Pantheon. Pantheon works with different interfaces for different tasks, and besides the project creation interface and the vendor portal, it also offers a subtitling editor called Snap. Welocalize plans to extend Pantheon with even more functionality.

We have asked Doug Knoll, VP Development at Welocalize, his point of view regarding this new integration: “As localization continues to trend toward smaller and faster projects to support our client’s continuous delivery initiatives, friction must be removed from the entire path between content source and the talent that transforms it.

At Welocalize, our vision is to create a connected ecosystem that brings together best of breed technologies from across the industry.  BeLazy’s effort to bring increased efficiency to LSPs is a great fit for that future ecosystem, and we look forward to working with them to help remove friction and overhead from the supplier experience.


Technical details and considerations

Set up

Setting up the connection for Junction in BeLazy is quite straightforward, you only need to enter the URL, username, and password that were given by Welocalize to you. To automate the connection map values to your business management system.

Multiple currencies

If you receive jobs in multiple currencies, you need to set up multiple connections to Junction, each for a single currency.

Other considerations

At the moment, the Junction integration can only accept jobs; it does not reject jobs. Another limitation is that because you receive your purchase order number only after approving the project, the client in your project is always the same, whereas the client to which you need to invoice may be a different Welocalize entity (USA, Ireland, etc.). The information to whom you need to issue the invoice is available in your business management system. If the project was created in Plunet, you can easily change the customer. In XTRF, you can link your client offices for Welocalize, and then when you are invoicing, you can open the invoice, go to the Client Data tab, and click the Change button there.

We are currently working together with Welocalize to make the integration between both systems even smoother.


Get started today!

If you are a vendor to Welocalize, you can access this new connector quite easily.

  1. If you still don’t have a BeLazy account, create one here with your Google or Microsoft account.
  2. On the BeLazy interface click Add a new connection and create a connection to them.
  3. Once the connection has been added, click Automate to set it up as an automated connection. 

If you experience difficulty, get in touch with us by booking a time or by sending an email. We also want to learn from you, so don’t be shy and send us your feedback: Does the Junction integration fulfil your needs? Is there anything that you would rather have differently?

