Shifting the focus from partial workflow automation to full workflow automation
If you ask me what’s the only thing that prevents BeLazy from achieving immediate successes, some of you will be probably surprised to hear that it’s the doubt that automation can actually work. We are here to prove the doubting Thomases wrong (which they’ll also appreciate in this case), but we’re at a stage where we need help with moving to the next level. We’re at the beginning of our innovation diffusion curve, and we need the help of those companies that see themselves as early adopters.
Why does BeLazy need support?
When we started designing our technology, we made one wrong assumption: automation can be developed step by step. So we wanted to cover many vendor portals, and then move on to translation management systems, then to cover translator assignment, project delivery, finances/PO management, and do this all gradually. It came to our understanding that hardly any company has implemented an end-to-end automation process even in its most uniform, clear processes. As a result, even if we demonstrated that we are able to take over data from any vendor portal and cut a significant amount of project creation time, many companies see the efficiency gains only in fully automated projects.
We’re not fully there yet, but we firmly believe that full or very significant automation is possible with the majority of technologies. However, there are many technologies: hundreds of vendor portals, dozens of translation management systems and business management systems, and a myriad of proprietary BMS’es, online systems, package formats, files, clever and not too clever PO assignment… We are at the point where we cannot say that we’ll go ahead, implement everything and then wait for the users to come.
Our business is to fill the gaps between systems, and in order to fill them, we first need to understand how it’s done manually by companies who spend their day to day in working with these systems.
We work with conceptual models of automation, which have to be continually refined in order to implement solutions that reflect real-life use cases. The only way to do this is to work together with companies that need automation.
Why did we create the BEAP program?
There is a momentum for automation in the industry and talking to various stakeholders confirmed that those companies that get automation right will be rewarded with at least 15-20% growth on the automated accounts.
We want to work with companies to enable them to sell more and at the same time increase their profit. The BeLazy team members have individually proven their expertise many times, and we have also proven with our technology that we can connect systems and align the technology vendors. It seems to be a no-brainer to start your automation journey with us, because we are the only company exclusively dedicated to automating translation workflows across multiple technologies.
With BEAP, we aim to solve individual problems and through collecting experience we aim to reach the understanding that enables us to create a scalable platform for end-to-end automation. End-to-end automation will inevitably mean lower costs and higher revenue and profit for you.
BEAP is our next stage. We move from partial automation to full workflow automation. BEAP is also a simple partner program. How does it work? Who is eligible to particpate?