Software update: December 2019

Here’s a look at some of the new functionality in BeLazy.

Memsource connector

If your customer sends you a project in Memsource Cloud, or your project manager sets up one manually there, now it can automatically appear in your instance of XTRF as a smart project. We support also the net rate schemes and price lists appearing in Memsource, and if the analysis is not there, BeLazy creates one automatically.

API Update

The API now manages multilingual projects, so TMS-originated projects (Memsource projects currently) can also appear in your proprietary business management system.

Welocalize Junction client mapping

Before you had to manually reassign projects to the right Welocalize branch in XTRF or Plunet if the branch offering you the job was not the one you had set up. With the new Memsource connector, we now support multiple customers per connection, and we have extended this support to the Junction connector. We have eliminated the main bottlenecks in this connector.

Improved rate mapping

Rate mapping has always been a hard-to-solve problem (given that the number of rate brackets in the origin system may be higher than the number in the target system), and now we have made it possible to ignore certain rare mapping issues.

Improved speed and better support for RWS Moravia Symfonie

Previously we downloaded every project in every connector, and this caused a lot of problems for the users. Now we are only downloading the latest one month of projects, and if we don’t learn enough from those, another month, giving you almost equal user experience but a more careful treatment of your customer’s systems and your nerves.

Please note that if you are using XTRF, you will need to change the macro to support multilingual projects. BeLazy will trigger this with a red flag.

Streamline and automate the way you receive and deliver translation projects!

Save up to 90% of the project management time and costs associated with small, repeating translation jobs coming from vendor portals.