Here’s a look at some of the new functionality in BeLazy.
One of the biggest shortcomings of our automation so far was that files were not moved with the project approval, and the project manager had to go in to the portal and download the files manually. We’re proud to say we have solved this, and files are uploaded into all business management systems supported (Plunet and XTRF) and available for proprietary systems via the API - this requires a little more development on your end, please check the updated Api documentation. Files remain available for a week, so don’t leave old projects hanging there - if you do, you’ll have to log in to the vendor portal and download them manually. BeLazy downloads different types of files such as work files, reference files, TMs, instructions, etc. (only files smaller than 3 GB, but that should be enough), and uploads them to the right places. This functionality is currently supported for the following vendor portal connectors: XTRF, Lionbridge TMS, Welocalize Junction, and not supported for Transline Transact and Plunet vendor portal connections.
Every rate name represents a percentage in discounts over the word price. Rate mapping is tricky because the main requirement is that rates that are mapped to one category in your BMS must have identical discount percentage. We have made various improvements: better guessing, a warning if the user tries to assign non-fitting rates together and a better, talkative red flag that pinpoints the exact problem. This means less surprises.
One of the typical mistakes that our clients made was specifying the vendor portal addresses for Plunet and XTRF wrongly. BeLazy now tries to correct incorrect connection URLs, making the system more reliable and easier to use.
One of the typical mistakes that our clients made was specifying the vendor portal addresses for Plunet and XTRF wrongly. BeLazy now tries to correct incorrect connection URLs, making the system more reliable and easier to use.